White Dinner at KOBE

Let me introduce city of Kobe, my 2nd hometown. Kobe is located in the west side of Japan. Mountains at the north side, facing the pacific ocean at the sough side. Kobe is very beautiful port town and the night view is just amazing..... it is one of the Japan's best 3 beautiful night views. Kobe was developed at the port town when Japan entered to the modern nation after the era of Edo. As one of the major city of foreign trade business, many people from overseas visited Kobe and the city was influenced by the western culture. This is why Kobe has some exotic and international feeling.On the other hand, Kobe is also know as the place of Taira no Kiyomori, a military leader of Heian period (900 years ago). You may heard of Arima hot spring. This is also part of Kobe city. Kobe has various aspects and I recommend you to walk around to discover this city. It shows different atomosphere whlie you walk and you will find charming shops that are never introduced in guidebooks.
Kobe has mountains and ocean. If you go up scales at the mountain side, you will see Osaka at east side and Awaji islands at the west. There is a cable car station nearby Shinkobe station to the Nunobiki Herb Botanical garden. Do you know the most famous French restaurant in Kobe, Kitano Club? It locates near the garden. I recommend you a glass of dry martini as a aperitif before sunset.
Kobe has great cuisine area, too. Kobe beef, fresh seafood and sake.
Kobe beef is too famous in the world. If you wan to eat "real" Kobe beef examined various strict quality control, you should come to Kobe! Steak, of course, and berbeque, teppanyaki, deep fry....
Kobe has some famous fising area. Seafood from Awaji islands and Akashi is incredible fresh and delicious. And, Sake. Kobe has pure, clean, beautiful natural water resource in the Rokko mountain and one of the best 5 sake breweries area called "Nada go-gou". Tours in breweries are available.
The most "in" event in Kobe is called as "white dinner". Everybody wear white clothes, and table coordinate and all settings are in white color only. It's a kind of a social club but more sophisticated casual "picnic" like event in a public park. It is a pot rach party. Everybody bring one food or drink or both and share others sitting in the same table. Jazz, classic, rock and roll, rythem and blues... variety of music bands play. You can join alone. People there is so friendly and international. It is held in the 1st or 2nd weekend in May every year. Please don't miss next time!
今日は私の第二の故郷、神戸でちょっと前に開催された神戸での"white dinner"をご紹介します。


そんな神戸で、今、盛り上がっているのが”KOBE White dinner ". 神戸の美しい景観を楽しむ大人のピクニック。ルールはとてもシンプル。参加者の衣装、テーブル、椅子、装飾すべてを白に統一。料理、飲み物、テーブルセッティングに至るまで参加者が自らつくりあげ、参加者たちとその時間を楽しみ、シェアすること。もちろん、1名でも参加できます。
White Dinner 実行委員会でテーブル&椅子の貸出、観光できて参加したい人のためにケーテリングサービスもあります。エンタテーメントもクラッシックからジャズ、R&Bとさまざまな音楽が楽しめます。デザイン都市・神戸ならではのクリエィテヴかつユニークなWhite dinner . 最後はみんなでDance! Dance ! Dance!毎年、GW開けの週末に開催。初夏の気持ちのいい海風の中でのパーティ、是非参加してみてください。
